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Triller MultiCam Launch

Triller Launches First of Its Kind Dual Usage Camera Experience on App

Triller has launched a breakthrough creator innovation where a user can record and broadcast using both the front and back camera simultaneously for iOS users, with Android availability coming soon.

Based on real-time user data, Triller’s updated Combined Capture update brings together the previous split-flow video recording into one seamless flow to allow users to add music or other commentary directly into videos immediately from the initial recording. Previously, users had to choose whether to record video with music or record an OG sound at the start of the process. Today’s updates allow users to seamlessly and easily record and post their Triller content with music enhancement. \

Additionally, today’s Dual Reaction Camera feature enables users to capture from both front and back cameras simultaneously.

Triller is excited to release this feature as part of a new suite of tools for creators. The dual camera feature gives filmmakers a new and easy way to capture their face and a subject’s reaction simultaneously, perfect for prank memes or filming in-game footage. The dual camera is just one way Triller explores innovative technology to give creators new ways to engage with their audiences.

“Our creators rely on a robust video and recording experience,” Mahi de Silva, CEO of Triller, said. “Today’s Triller is the first of the main social platforms to offer this experience. This feature creates a streamlined and diversified recording offering that we are proud to host on our app. We are excited to see the new video content due to these exciting upgrades.”

The updates are available now on the app via iOS.


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